Making money online is totally stress-free, just follow every detail in this article and you are good to go. 
So basically, there are lots of mediums via which you can generate money from the internet, thus, from YouTube videos, affiliate marketing, CPA marketing, selling your own created digital products, Ranking your website or affiliate link on Google and other search engines.
But in this article, I will be touching on blogging and youtube video.

1. Making money from youtube.

YouTube is just a perfect platform to make money. Youtube, however, is the second largest search engine in the world. YouTube gets more than one billion unique users a month, that’s a huge audience.

How does youtube make you money? 

Money is generated through ads and Google AdSense.  Just get ads on your videos and state making money. This sounds lucrative, right? Yes, of course, it sure does but it doesn't come easy. Just contact the professionals for any assistance. This platform is even a plus for entrepreneurs, organizations and corporate bodies, thus, making extra money from promoting your own services or products online. 
Let's take a look at this here, maybe you got a restaurant or maybe a fashion shop or even you own a school, and you will like to advertise your services or products online. Instead of spending on advertisement, you can rather make huge money from advertising, this is sounding great, right?  
You might be wondering how this can be possible.

  Here are tips to follow. 

*Make videos of your services or product.
*In the video exhibit your brand. 
*The video shouldn't be that long, should be within the time range of 2 to 4 minutes. (this prevents boredom)
*You can make as many videos as you want. 
*The video should come with varieties of titles and a unique content pertaining to your field of services or products you want to market.  
* Upload the videos to youtube. It might take a very long period to generate viewers, so I advise you get a professional to help you create a quality video to upload. Have in mind that every minute on youtube, about One hundred hours of videos are uploaded. This basically means that there’s a huge competition for attention. So you need to do everything you can to ensure that your videos get found.

At you will get a list of professionals like Gl_emperors who will aid you through. You can also agree to let them post it on their youtube channel then you monitor, which is part of their packages. Basically, professionals on got high traffic already on their youtube channel, so its easier to market your videos. These professionals can create unlimited videos within a short time. They also help you rank your videos and also help you get more subscribers and views to your youtube channel and videos.
In view of this, you are marketing your services or products online to the world and making extra money in addition.

NB: The only secret behind making money from youtube is getting more views, likes, and subscribers. With every 1,000 (1k) views, you will be able to get an approximate return of $2-$4.This might not seem a lot, but if you consider making 100 videos with 5,000 views each, that would already be $1,000-$2,000. Now that would be a decent amount of money.  

Also note that if you’re creating your own products or would like to, YouTube offers unlimited ways for you to promote your products and make sales. Products you can create include ebooks, apps, art, and music. Create your products, and add them to a shopping cart. Then use YouTube to promote them. Add a link to your product in your video’s description, so that viewers can buy.

2.  Making money from blogging/ website. 

If you find yourself in the world of writing then blogging can fetch you lots of money. Blogging is a big platform to reach the world. Don't stress if you can't  create a blog on your own. Just get a professional to create one for you.
Just like youtube, you can make money from blogging through ads. The amount of money you can make from blogging depends on your traffic level. The higher your traffic the higher your money. The big issue here is generating or directing traffic to your blog. 
This shouldn't be a big issue to lament about anyway. Just Leave it to the professionals. Now, whats the point if you have a website and no one views or sees it? Then I guess its a total waste of time. Just get a professional to guide you through. Note that there are about millions of website on the net. What will be the probability that Google will rank your website first to get more views? That's one important question you should ask yourself as a blogger.There might be about thousands of bloggers writing about the same thing you are also writing about. Get a professional to coach you on how to make your blog unique to attract more views(traffics) which of course is the only way to make money through the website.
One advantage you get from the website is that you can link your youtube videos to your website. Which of course is a plus for you. So the more you get views from your blog, your youtube channel also increases in traffic proportionally.

You can visit to get a list of professionals who will aid you in either blogging or video creation.

About Felix Walcot John

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  1. Replies
    1. Say that again. I was really expecting to be thought how that is done practically and not just hsee the same old things

  2. appreciate the effort man. he has shared at least

  3. Thanks for this great piece of work. Looking forward to a more broader ideas on this article.

    1. I have taken a different angle to the same article you are reading.... to enlighten your self more.

  4. very nice opportunity there...

  5. very nice write up..
    keep it up

  6. this is really a great piece of information

  7. the blogging methods was limited but i really like the way you explained the youtube aspect

  8. its really educative ..cudos man

  9. this is very educative thanks for sharing

  10. is it worth wasting time to do this?

  11. Thanks for giving your opinions on this subject. Will be interesting to see how it all cash out?

  12. i wish i knew this earlier, i would have been able to do more and more by now however, it is better late or never. thanks a lot for the insight.

  13. thanks for this YouTube trick. really helpful.

  14. its about time i took this youtube business serious

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Making money on youtube or blog is nothing new.........

  17. have learnt a lot from this information. very educative

  18. How long will it take me to make $1000 to $5000 per month as a blogger?

    1. with such an amount you have quoted.. you need to work hard to reach that target where you earn such an amount. nothing is impossible.. Blogging my self for almost 6 years now, and i have made a few bucks.

  19. thanks for the education. really helpful

  20. I checked GL emperors out on and they seem to be new. Can they be trusted to deliver as promised?

    1. Maybe yes, maybe no. You will have to trust your gut on that.

  21. please how can i make the money from YouTube after i order the video.

    1. That is where the work really starts sis. You now need about 2k views and subs to get something. How frustrating that can be

  22. YouTube is really make people rich have to give it a try

  23. really,can this information be trusted

  24. really are they being real on this?

  25. @ DIANA just try and you will see the result for your self

  26. Been blogging for quite sometime now and never has this crossed my mind. Thanks for the enlightenment.

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  29. YEAH, this info is reliable and you can check their website for more info

  30. Super morceau d'information, j'en ai vraiment appris

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  34. Great of article. Looking forward to a more broader knowledge on this article.

  35. thank you so much for the piece of avdvice

  36. opportunity for my company and YouTube channel

  37. Gran oportunidad para todos, gracias por sus servicios.
